Agri-Pulse Daybreak for Sept. 8, 2016
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack says he’s working to make sure the new GMO labeling law works the way
Congress intended.
Some farm groups say they hope that Vilsack can finish work
on regulations before President Obama leaves office in January. Vilsack says
that won’t happen, but he says the department is laying the groundwork to make
sure that the law “works in the marketplace,” complies with international trade
rules and isn’t unnecessarily vulnerable to lawsuits.
USDA has set up a toll-free number for the public to offer
comments and suggestions. So far, the department has received 500 comments.
The department plans to release soon a series of policy
questions for comment. “If we lay the foundation right, I’m confident that the
rule will be one that will work,” Vilsack told reporters.
He says the department also has formally notified states of
the law’s language that preempts state GMO labeling requirements.
ARC-PLC payments to hit $11 billion. USDA is set to
send out payments to farmers next month under the Agriculture Risk Coverage and
Price Loss Coverage programs, and Vilsack expects to the checks to total about
$11 billion. That’s $3 billion more than the Congressional Budget Office had projected for
the payments back in March.
Heritage: Abolish commodity programs. This news comes
as a leading conservative think tank is
proposing to phase out commodity programs and end revenue insurance. The
Heritage Foundation, which is especially influential with Tea Party Republicans
in the House, says most farmers don’t need government help now and that the
subsidies distort markets and artificially inflate land values. Authors of the report will be on Capitol Hill this
afternoon to discuss their recommendations.
One of the co-authors, Daren Bakst, dismisses the idea that
the downturn in the farm economy justifies keeping the commodity subsidies and
revenue insurance. The recent drops in farm income only look large because
they’re coming off record highs in farm earnings, Bakst says. “It doesn’t
necessarily mean that net farm income is at some unusually low level.”
The idea of ending commodity programs will be dead on
arrival in Congress but the report is a clear signal that Heritage is likely to
take a visible role in the debate that will start next year on a new farm bill.
House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conaway responded to the
report by saying he’s convinced that ending commodity programs would drive up
food prices.
Conaway tells Agri-Pulse he doesn’t foresee any
major changes to the commodity title other than to reinstate cotton. He wants
to authorize payments for cottonseed under the Price Loss Coverage
Cuba trade barriers to get House Ag attention. The
House Agriculture Committee is going to take a look next week at the impact of
existing financial restrictions on exports of food to Cuba. Committee member
Rick Crawford of Arkansas says he has agreement with key colleagues to pass
legislation this year that would end the requirement that Cuba pay upfront in
cash for all imports.
Next week’s committee hearing will look into that issue as
well as the overall potential for agricultural trade with Cuba.
For once, good news on hunger. The country is finally
showing some progress in reversing that sharp increase in hunger that hit in
2008 during the last recession.
estimates that 12.7 percent of households were food insecure in 2015,
down from 14 percent in 2014. The rate hasn’t been under 14 percent since 2007
when an estimated 11.1 percent of families had trouble getting the food they
The reason for last year’s marked improvement isn’t clear,
but there’s speculation that lower gasoline prices played a role. If that’s
true, that means that fracking has not only helped lower greenhouse gas
emissions by increasing the use of natural gas, it’s also reducing hunger in
Senate looks to pass water bill. Republican leaders
hope to get a new
water projects authorization bill through the Senate before this weekend.
The bill includes provisions to allow the Corps of Engineers
to accept financial assistance from local communities seeking to improve
navigation and flood control. It also makes permanent a program included in the
2014 water bill to provide low interest rate financing for large dollar-value
Missing from the legislation is a provision Congress
included in 2014 to protect farmers from EPA’s regulations on fuel storage
tanks. The 2014 bill temporarily exempted farmers with between 2,500 to 6,000
gallons of aboveground oil storage capacity. A subsequent EPA study affirmed
the agency’s decision to allow a much more limited exemption.
He said it. “They will be substantially higher than
they were in previous years and will help to supplement, if you will, and help
to support farm families during tight times.” - Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack, on the expected $11 billion in ARC and PLC payments
Spencer Chase and Bill Tomson contributed to this
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