Plan to hold offshore oil/gas lease sales over internet draws protests
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4, 2016 - The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM) plans to conduct
its upcoming sale of oil and gas leases off the Texas coast for the first time
over the internet, saying the process will be more efficient and the sales more
transparent than in the past.
But Gulf Coast community groups and environmental organizations
who oppose the lease sales don’t see it that that way. They say the
move to the internet is designed to limit public pressure that’s been mounting
against leases in the Gulf of Mexico and around the nation and they vow to
continue demonstrations against the auctions.
“The administration can’t silence the movement to protect the Gulf
and our climate. This new plan was clearly designed to stifle public opposition
and it shows they’re worried about the growing resistance to new offshore
leases,” says Cherri Foytlin of Bridge the Gulf. “The Obama administration
needs to take a strong stance on climate change and end all new offshore leases
in the Gulf and waters off Alaska, rather than trying to hide from public
The Western Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 248, to be held Aug.
24 at the Superdome in New Orleans, will offer 23.8 million acres offshore
Texas for oil and gas exploration and development, including all available
unleased areas in the Western Gulf of Mexico Planning Area.
The bid opening will not
be open to the public. Instead, it will be available for the public to view
in real-time on BOEM's website via video
live-streaming beginning at 9 a.m. local time on the day of the sale. BOEM says
this will enable the availability of pertinent bid information immediately to a
“much broader national and international audience.”
“Making government data immediately available is a valuable
resource for taxpayers, both in terms of dollars and cents but also in
efficiency,” says BOEM Director Abigail Ross Hopper. “Through the use of
technology we can deliver our lease sale information in a much more effective
and accessible way to a much wider audience.”
BOEM says the decision to hold the sale follows “extensive
environmental analysis, public comment and consideration of the best scientific
information available” and notes that the terms of the sale include
stipulations to protect “biologically sensitive resources and mitigate
potential adverse effects on protected species.”
As a result of offering this area for lease, BOEM estimates
116 to 200 million barrels of oil and 538 to 938 billion cubic feet of natural
gas will be discovered and produced.
Gulf Coast and national environmental groups are criticizing the sale, saying
burning those fossil fuels would send more than 137 million metric tons of
carbon-equivalent greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, roughly the same as
operating 40 coal-fired power plants for a year.
The groups were actively organizing
around the upcoming sale when BOEM announced the plan to air the bid
openings via the internet.
“If they think that this action is going to quiet us, they’re
wrong. Their action has only made us stronger and more united than ever before,”
says Mary Gutierrez, executive director of Earth Ethics Inc. “We
will not be silenced. Our voices will be heard. No new leases!”
Blake Kopcho, an organizer with the Center for Biological
Diversity who has been working with Gulf groups, said the plan is “an insult to
everyone concerned about climate change and the frontline communities that are
most heavily impacted by it.”
Rainforest Action Network senior campaigner Ruth Breech weighed
in, commenting that President Obama “is subverting the democratic process even
further with this move.”
Anthony Rogers-Wright, policy director with Environmental
Action, feels that the move to conduct the sale on the internet is a reaction
to the groups’ mobilization.
“There is actually a silver lining to this travesty and
omission of transparency, and that is our movement, our coalition …. is cutting
through,” Rogers-Wright says. “The fossil fuel empire has always been surreptitious
and back-handed. We can now add ‘craven’ to the list of characterizations for
these climate killers. The Gulf South will not be silenced, and the resistance
will not be intimidated.”
To view the Notice of Availability of the Final Notice of
Sale, click