Colorful algae fuels water quality debate in South Florida
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2016 - Florida is struggling to deal
with an ecological nightmare.
An algal bloom in Lake Okeechobee has spread to surrounding
waterways, prompting a gubernatorial declaration of a state of emergency, calls
to buy sugar lands for water storage, and renewed accusations about the role of
agriculture in creating the mess.
Problems began with a rainy winter, which forced upstream
water districts to release water earlier than usual. It flowed into the lake,
where the blue-green algae bloom became evident this spring.
The Army Corps of Engineers, following its normal practice
of releasing water in order to keep the lake at a manageable level, had kept to
a normal schedule of releases to the St. Lucie River estuary to the east and
the Caloosahatchee River estuary to the west, up until recently.
The foul-looking water has been called toxic, but the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection says “some – not all –
blue-green algae can produce toxins that can contribute to environmental
problems and affect public health.”
The Corps recently
began reducing the amount of water it releases but remains concerned about
the high lake levels.
“We want to avoid
a scenario where the lake rises so high, the resulting water pressure increases
the potential for erosion” that could cause the breaching of the Herbert Hoover
Dike to the south, Colonel Jason Kirk, commander of the Corps’ Jacksonville
District, said in a July 8 statement. “Such a breach could cause
widespread property damage and potential loss of life.”
At 14.72 feet,
the lake is at least a couple of feet higher than the Corps would prefer,
especially with hurricane season on the way.
“During a normal
wet season, the lake rises two to three feet,” Kirk said. “The National
Weather Service has issued outlooks that call for above-average precipitation
over the next three months, which will likely add more water. We’ve seen
numerous instances over the past 20 years of tropical systems producing enough
rain to cause a three- to four-foot rise in the lake. A five-foot rise in
the lake from this point takes us into uncharted territory.”
Republican Gov.
Rick Scott, who has been roundly criticized by environmental groups and others
in the state for a series of environmentally questionable moves – he prohibited
administrators in his Department of Environmental Protection from using the
phrases “climate change” or “global warming” – blamed the federal government
for not fixing the dike.
But in declaring
a state of emergency June 29, he directed the South Florida Water
Management District to store more water north of Lake Okeechobee in the
Kissimmee Chain of Lakes and in other water storage projects.
Meanwhile, the
debate rages on over the causes of the bloom. Environmental groups such as The
Everglades Trust have targeted U.S. Sugar and Florida Crystals, which grow
hundreds of thousands of acres of sugarcane south of the lake.
In a July 6 letter to Scott, the Trust called on the governor to convene a
meeting with landowners south of the lake to advance the sale of 60,000 acres
of land needed for a reservoir in the Everglades Agricultural Area.
“As you are aware, a storage reservoir in the EAA has been an
integral part of (the Comprehensive
Everglades Restoration Plan) since its inception.
More than 200 independent scientists have determined it is the only way to
reduce the harmful Lake Okeechobee discharges, hydrate the central Everglades
wetlands and stabilize the salinity levels within Florida Bay, while ensuring
the safety of the source of water supply for 8 million Floridians.”
U.S. Sugar, however, says it has
made vast improvements, reducing the amount of phosphorus flowing from its fields
by 56 percent annually over the past 20 years.
In addition, the company says, only
3 percent of the water and 4 percent of the phosphorus in the Lake Okeechobee
comes from the south.
The Florida Farm
Bureau says agriculture is being made a scapegoat for a problem created by
society as a whole.
“All of us
are the problem,” says FFB’s Charles
Shinn, who adds that using land south of the lake as a flow-way is unrealistic
because the land south of the lake simply can’t handle that much water, which
would damage the “remnant Everglades” – what’s left of the original 18,000-square-mile
River of Grass.
“This is political, to remove the growing of sugar or any
other crops south of Lake Okeechobee,” he says.
Shinn concedes that nutrient runoff from agriculture –
particularly cattle ranches north of the lake – contributes to the formation of
algae, but so does runoff from urban development and golf courses.
In addition, he says that farmers are required to implement
Best Management Practices on their land through a Basin Management Action Plan
“Farmers down there are doing everything they can,” he said,
referring to agriculture around the lake.
There’s another problem that will take years to solve, he
says – phosphorus remaining in the lake and the Lake Okeechobee drainage basin
from historical land practices.
“There’s a lot of latent phosphorus in the Lake O basin,” he
says. “That’s primarily what’s causing the bloom now.”
Another contributing factor has been sewage from septic
tanks. Brian Lapointe, a Harbor Branch
Oceanographic Institute researcher, has produced a
report concluding that septic pollution has been a significant contributor
to algae formation in the St. Lucie River estuary. In addition to contributing
nutrients, septic tanks add bacteria to the algae.
SFWMD agrees. “The nutrients and fresh water that can fuel
growth of naturally occurring blue-green algae also comes from local stormwater
runoff and septic tanks,” SFWMD says in a “myths
and facts” document.
“There’s no single source driver to what’s going on,” Shinn
says. “It’s a feeding frenzy for algae.”
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