OSHA to develop PSM rule, won't reinstate retailer exemption
WASHINGTON, May 11, 2016 – The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration will develop regulations to update its Process Safety Management
Standard but won’t exempt ag retailers from PSM requirements in the meantime.
In a letter to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals last week,
Labor Department attorney Lauren Goodman said OSHA decided to develop a rule
because of “congressional report language indicating a preference for
rulemaking.” Congress, at the urging of ag retailers and the fertilizer
industry, included language in the report accompanying the fiscal 2016 omnibus
spending bill that “directs” the agency to maintain the longstanding exemption
from PSM for ag retailers until it completes a rulemaking.
Report language does not carry the force of law, however, and OSHA had not committed to a rulemaking until
Goodman wrote to the court May 5.
OSHA had issued an “interpretive rule” last July subjecting retailers to PSM requirements, which the dealers
said would cost them up to $25,000 per facility to comply with – 10 times the
amount estimated by OSHA. It delayed PSM enforcement at retail establishments
twice, the second time until Oct. 1, 2016, after Congress approved
the report language (more OSHA information here).
Goodman wrote to the
D.C. Circuit as part of pending litigation over PSM brought by the
Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA), The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) and a
dozen dealers. She said that even though the rulemaking could take up to five
years to complete, retailers would nevertheless be subject to the “interpretive
rule” starting Oct. 1.
The PSM standard is “performance-based,”
according to OSHA. “It outlines key features of safety programs for controlling
highly hazardous chemicals, and employers have the flexibility to tailor their
safety programs to the unique conditions at their facilities.” Its requirements
include 14 “process safety elements,” including employee training, emergency
planning and response, mechanical integrity and compliance audits.
In an unusual move, OSHA also sent a letter to every member of
Congress asking them “not
to take further action that would limit the scope or applicability of the
guidance during such time as OSHA conducts rulemaking,” according to ARA.
OSHA also is convening a Small Business
Advocacy Review panel to aid in the rulemaking process.
ARA, meanwhile, continues to
criticize OSHA’s handling of the issue.
“The agency intends to enforce an
amended regulation up to five years before they complete the legally required
rulemaking to establish it, and they would like Congress to not prevent them
from violating the Administrative Procedure Act in this manner,” the group
“OSHA's congressional letter also
repeated the fallacy that it is unable to regulate facilities that store and
handle anhydrous ammonia or ammonium nitrate, when existing OSHA regulations
provide the necessary authority for inspections of both products,” ARA
“ARA will be working with TFI to
respond to both communications,” said ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock. “It
is baffling why OSHA continues to focus on regulating ammonia as its response
to an ammonium nitrate incident at West Fertilizer.” The “incident” in April
2013 was a fire and explosion that killed 15 people in the town of West, Texas.
Coincidentally, the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives held a press conference today to
announce it believes that the West fire was
intentionally set.
Oral arguments in the court case
had been scheduled for next week, but the D.C. Circuit has decided it can rule
on the merits of the matter without the benefit of a hearing.