House approves Feed the Future, focus on global food security
April 14, 2016 - Members of Congress are on the verge of passing historic
legislation that would enshrine President Obama’s $1-billion-a-year Feed the
Future initiative into law. The legislation, which the House passed 370-33
Tuesday evening, would require the government to develop a detailed “global
food security” strategy for boosting agricultural production and nutrition in
targeted poor countries. The Senate could take up a similar version any day.
get the bill passed in the House, sponsors had to rework it to add provisions
to satisfy House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conaway’s concerns that Feed the
Future could be used to change the way the Food for Peace program has
traditionally been operated.
also got provisions included to protect the roles of Agriculture Department and
agribusiness stakeholders in the operation of Feed the Future. Similar provisions were added to the Senate
legislation as well.
Conaway has been fighting attempts by the
U.S. Agency for International Development to shift Food for Peace from reliance
on U.S.-grown commodities. The provisions he got in the bill, which is under
the jurisdiction of the Foreign Affairs Committee, include reporting
requirements that would separately detail how Food for Peace is contributing to
achievements of Feed the Future projects. Another provision is supposed to
prevent the bill from being used to make changes in Food for Peace.
"With the world population
rapidly increasing - particularly in some of the most impoverished and food
insecure regions - it is of critical importance that the United States maintain
its position as the world leader in the effort to alleviate global hunger and
to enhance food security,” Conaway said.
The House bill (HR
1567) would authorize Feed the Future
through fiscal 2017. The Senate measure includes a two-year authorization.
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