Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.

Roberts reschedules markup for biotech labeling bill for Tuesday

February 25, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 25, 2016 – Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., has rescheduled the markup for his voluntary biotech labeling bill for Tuesday, March 1.

The panel’s business meeting to consider the so-called “chairman’s mark” was originally set for today but was postponed yesterday, “due to changes in the Senate floor schedule.”

A spokeswoman said Roberts postponed the markup at the request of Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, the committee's ranking member, because her bill providing assistance in Flint, Michigan's water crisis was expected to be considered on the Senate floor on Thursday.

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The postponement gives Roberts more time to seek the Democratic support he has said he would like to have for the biotech bill to move forward. Stabenow, for example, remains opposed. 

"I don't support his chairman's mark, but I'd like to very much find a bipartisan compromise,” Stabenow told Agri-Pulse yesterday.


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