Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.

Wind Tower heights expected to soar

February 24, 2016

WASHINGTON, Feb. 24, 2016 - Wind tower heights have grown steadily over the last decade as operators seek stronger wind speeds higher up in the atmosphere to increase energy yields. There has been a 48 percent increase in average hub height since 1999. According to K2 Management, soon turbine heights are likely to soar to up to 170 meters, or nearly 558 feet – almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower. Today’s tallest towers are around 150 meters, but technological improvements, like modular concrete structures, have made even taller towers possible.

A 3 megawatt (MW) turbine located in a forest area, for example, with an average wind speed of 13.42 miles per hour will meet 13 percent more wind speed if the turbine height doubles from 70 meters to 140 meters. Annual energy yield prediction would increase by almost 30 percent because of less surface aerodynamic drag and the viscosity of the air. Going up to 170 meters from 70 meters will boost energy yield prediction by 35 percent on average, says K2 Management.

“170 meter towers could become a common sight in the near future in markets like the USA and Germany as part of a new renewable skyline. We expect to see more of these mega designs as we help our clients get the most out of their wind projects,” says K2 Management CEO Henrik Stamer.


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