High court should ignore challenge to Bay pollution plan, feds say
WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2016 - There is no good reason for the
Supreme Court to review – and possibly reverse – an appeals court decision that
upheld an ambitious plan to restore the Chesapeake Bay to health.
That was the message from the federal government, environmental groups and the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association, who
are opposing a petition seeking to scuttle EPA’s Total Maximum Daily Load
(TMDL) program to limit pollutants in the nation’s largest estuary.
However, twenty-two states and nearly
100 members of Congress – all but one a Republican -- are
supporting a petition filed by an octet of farm groups and the National
Association of Home Builders (NAHB), all of whom would like to see the court
clip EPA’s regulatory wings before an important part of America’s farm country
becomes subject to an even bigger TMDL.
The farm groups asking the Supreme
Court to agree to review the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decision are the American Farm Bureau
Federation, the National Chicken Council, National Corn Growers Association,
National Pork Producers Council, National Turkey Federation, Pennsylvania Farm
Bureau, The Fertilizer Institute, and U.S. Poultry and Egg Association.
The court is scheduled to take up the petition
at its Feb. 26 conference. Decisions are usually announced the following
Monday, which this year would be Feb. 29.
The Office of the Solicitor General and the Chesapeake
Bay Foundation (CBF) argued that the Third Circuit case is a particularly bad
one to use to challenge the legality of the TMDL program. Far from being a
top-down, command-and-control program, the Bay’s Total Maximum Daily Load
(TMDL) is a model of cooperative federalism, the petition opponents said in
their responses filed last month with the Supreme Court.
“Because the gravamen of petitioners’ argument is that the
TMDL usurps the authority of the states, the fact that no affected state agrees
with petitioners is sufficient to warrant denial of the petition,” the
environmental groups said.
The government noted “none of the states that are covered by
the Bay TMDL has supported petitioners’ challenge. Rather, all of those states
are moving ahead with implementation plans under the TMDL as part of the
partnership that they willingly joined in order to solve a common problem.” The
Chesapeake Bay watershed includes parts of New York, Pennsylvania, West
Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland and Washington, D.C.
“Petitioners argue that the TMDL ‘opens the door for a
dramatic expansion of federal power over land use and water quality planning
nationwide,’” CBF and the other environmental groups noted. “To the contrary .
. . the TMDL is the product of a unique and cooperative federal-state
relationship that produced a plan for cleaning up a particular body of water –
the Chesapeake Bay. That cooperative federal-state relationship may or may not
be repeated in other segments of the country.”
Not just that, but the Bay TMDL is also the product of a
unique legislative history, CBF said. “EPA’s obligation to develop the Bay TMDL
is supported by specific statutory authority, interstate agreements, judicial
orders, and (memorandums of understanding). Those case-specific factors make
this an unsuitable vehicle to consider the analysis under CWA Section 303(d) alone
– the crux of the petition.”
There is no conflict between or among circuit courts of
appeals, the petition opponents said.
“Contrary to petitioners’ argument, there is no conflict
between the decision below and the decision of any other court of appeals,” the
government said. “Since EPA promulgated its (TMDL) regulatory definition . . .
in 1985, it has approved more than 70,000 state-submitted TMDLs and established
more than 7,000 TMDLs under its own authority. Petitioners cite no decision,
and we are aware of none, in which a court has struck down any of those TMDLs on
the ground that the (Clean Water) Act precludes the use of load and wasteload
allocations, or the use of ‘reasonable assurances,’ or the use of an
anticipated timeline for state implementation.”
The Third Circuit said EPA could require “reasonable assurances”
that the states would actually meet the targets in their Watershed Improvement
“The court explained that such a provision ‘does not require
the states to undertake any particular implementation effort,’ but is simply
‘an attempt by EPA to clarify the basis upon which the proposed allocations are
judged’,” the government said.
The TMDL “does not impose any binding implementation
requirements on the states,” the federal government said. “It discusses the
(Chesapeake) Bay Partnership’s target dates and milestones for measuring
implementation progress, as well as the states’ assurances about what headway
they would make in reducing pollution, but the TMDL itself imposes no
consequences for missing those milestones. Instead, if that circumstance
arises, EPA may consider whether to exercise authority conferred by other CWA
provisions, separate from its TMDL authority, to take additional measures.”
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