Bipartisan Policy Center lists options for reforming RFS
2014 – The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) today released a menu of 40
policy options
for reforming the
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The package has been in development since last
fall, informed by discussions held with members of an advisory group and other
stakeholders throughout the year.
advisory group included officials from the major oil companies as well as
academia, companies such as Walmart and Boeing, as well as the National Farmers
Union, the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Natural Resources Defense
its report, the BPC noted that since the RFS was first passed into law in 2005,
domestic biofuels production has increased and renewable
fuels have increased as a percentage of the total U.S. transportation fuels
supply. At the same time, legal challenges and changes in the U.S. energy
production have kept RFS at the forefront of energy policy discussions. A
further indicator that improvements to the RFS are needed is the EPA’s recently
announced additional delay in the announcement of compliance volume
requirements for 2014, the BPC said.
“However, experience with the
program has not led to a consensus on what, if anything, should be done,” the
BPC said in the report. “For some time, there have been strong advocates on
both sides of the debate calling for either outright repeal of the RFS or
holding firm on the existing requirements. The Bipartisan Policy Center
chose to explore a middle ground where we think tangible progress can be made
to reform—but not repeal—the RFS.”
The BPC said the options presented
in the report do not represent a consensus of the advisory group, but are
intended as a “first step in exploring the ways in which constructive reform
could create a more robust and effective RFS program.”
Here’s a selection of some of the
policy options presented in the report:
--Expand the definition of cellulosic biofuel, such as
by including wastes and residues.
exports of biofuels to meaningfully contribute to the RFS program.
all mandated volumes to percentage mandates.
--Create a mandate for ethanol based on percentage of
consumption, in addition to the volumetric RFS mandate categories.
--Implement automatic consequences
if EPA fails to meet statutory deadlines, especially for setting the annual
--Establish explicit methodologies for setting the
annual volumes.
--Create an education campaign to inform consumers about new fuels, flex-fuel stations, and which engines can handle which blends.
The BPC was founded in 2007 by former Senate
Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole and George Mitchell. On
its website, the BPC describes itself as a “non-profit
organization that drives principled solutions through rigorous analysis,
reasoned negotiation and respectful dialogue.”
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