Former Rep. Stenholm blasts FDA, food safety regs
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20, 2014 – Former Democratic Congressman
Charles Stenholm took at shot at FDA’s implementation of the Food Safety
Modernization Act (FSMA) Wednesday, saying the agency’s proposals aren’t based
on “sound science.”
Stenholm, currently a senior adviser at OFW Law, was the
moderator at a Farm Foundation event on the implementation of FSMA, taking time
at the end of the two-hour panel discussion to present his own views.
“When I put my budget hat on, I would not be very supportive
of giving FDA, or any other regulatory body, any more money until they
demonstrate they’re doing what they were supposed to in the first place,” he
He implied that FDA’s FSMA rules are too strict, downplaying
the current state of foodborne illness in the country. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention estimates that foodborne illnesses result in over
127,000 hospitalizations and some 3,000 deaths each year.
The country has the “most abundant supply, the best quality,
(and) the safest (food) supply at the lowest cost,” he said. “It’s a trade-off.”
“(Those) hospitalizations (are) out of a billion meals – is
it possible we’ll ever get to zero?” Stenholm asked.
“I am aware of people who have a tremendous amount of
influence in food safety conversation who are not using sound science,”
Stenholm continued, offering anti-biotechnology activists as an example. “Until
there is some scientific evidence that they are right, why should there be, by
law or regulations, imposed some costs on food industry that will do tremendous
damage to the hungry of the world?”
It’s not the first time Stenholm, former ranking member of
the House Agriculture Committee, has questioned the role of FDA in regulating
the country’s food safety. In 2008, as rumors swirled that the former
congressman could be then-President-elect Barack Obama’s pick for Agriculture
Secretary, Stenholm suggested to the Houston
Chronicle that food safety authority should be given to USDA.
“We don't have in place a system that can adequately deal
with food safety,” he said at the time. “If we can bring USDA into the 21st
century with technology, we are going to be awesome.”
In 2010, Congress re-affirmed FDA’s place in the food safety
regulation regime by giving it authority over implementation of FSMA, the first
major update to the U.S. food safety system since 1938.
But FDA has had to scramble to make its first foray into
farm regulations. Dennis Nuxoll, vice president of federal government affairs
at Western Growers Association and another panel participant, gave the agency
credit for what it had done thus far, pointing out that Congress charged the
agency with, among other things, determining the pathogenic potential of water
on all farms producing all crops.
“We think the FDA did a very good job in executing the
FSMA,” he said – just before launching into a list of Western Growers’ qualms.
Those include the role of crop ownership in rule implementation, exemptions for
farms based on size, and the current proposal for rote testing of water, among
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