Better seed for a better life: the Senate should ratify the plant genetics treaty
Editor’s Note: Agri-Pulse and The Chicago Council on Global Affairs are teaming up to host a monthly column to explore how the U.S. agriculture and food sector can maintain its competitive edge and advance food security in an increasingly integrated and dynamic world.
and improving global food security smartly creates economic opportunity here by
alleviating poverty overseas. Recently Congress passed and President Obama recently
signed into law the Global Food Security Act which authorizes U.S. efforts on
international agricultural development. While it seems increasingly difficult,
but important, to find areas of bipartisan support, we applaud Congress for
acknowledging the problems of global hunger and coming together to solve those
area of opportunity where the Senate can achieve a bipartisan consensus on
alleviating global food security while at the same time enhancing US economic
potential is the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has already moved the
treaty out of the Committee without opposition and the agreement is currently
awaiting consideration on the Senate floor. The agreement enhances U.S.
competitiveness and global food security by providing continued access and
exchange of plant genetic materials used to improve seeds for farmers.
development and commercialization of high quality seed is a high priority for
the American Seed Trade Association and it is critical to global food security.
Many people are not aware of the highly interdependent nature of our global
food system. No country, including the U.S., is self-sufficient when it comes
to seed for the future. In fact, seventy percent of the food we eat and grow
comes from crops that are not native to the U.S. American seed banks store,
maintain and distribute to U.S. researchers over 560,000 crop varieties.
However, over two million more crop lines and their relatives are held in seed
banks outside of the country. In order to ensure diversity and improve variety,
U.S. seed companies and public researchers must be able to move seed and plant
materials between countries.
most notable example of the impact of exchanging plant materials is the Green
Revolution which is credited with saving millions of lives. The wheat that
Norman Borlaug developed was based on a combination of materials from the U.S.,
Japan and Mexico which, in turn, thrived in India and Pakistan. We still use
relatives of that wheat today in our breeding programs. Wheat is just one
example of hundreds of crops—like carrots, strawberries, potato, corn and beans—which
are produced in the U.S. but rely on exotic germplasm.
and private plant breeders once enjoyed much freer access to seeds for research
and development. However, certain countries began restricting access to their
germplasm and the treaty was drafted to try to stabilize this situation. The
U.S. played a key role in negotiations leading up to the creation of the final
text of the treaty during the Bush Administration. The intent is to create
international rules and standards around access and benefit sharing for seed
used for agriculture research and development.
the treaty has 139 Contracting Parties, many of which are important sources of
seed exchange, including all EU countries, India, Brazil and Japan. Given its
importance to all sectors of U.S. and global agriculture, more than 80
companies, organizations and universities representing plant breeders,
academics and seed users have expressed support for ratification. In addition
to the American Seed Trade Association, these groups include the American Farm
Bureau Federation, American Society of Plant Biologists, Crop Science Society,
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities' Board on Agriculture
Assembly, National Corn Growers Association, National Cotton Council, National
Farmers Union and National Wheat Growers Association.
seed is the foundation for better life everywhere. Through ratification of the
International Treaty, public and private plant breeders in the U.S. will have
guaranteed access to the full range of global seed materials, in order to adapt
crops to address numerous challenges. With the appropriate commercial rules and
regulations in place in countries around the world, we expect these seeds to
have a lasting impact on global food security.
the Author: Andrew W. “Andy” LaVigne has more than 25 years of experience in
government relations, public affairs advocacy and management. Prior to being
named president & CEO of the American Seed Trade Association in 2006, Andy
was Executive Vice President/CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual, representing citrus
growers on issues affecting their business. Earlier, he spent four years as
President and Executive Director of Florida Fertilizer and Agrichemical
Association, a non-profit agricultural trade organization representing
companies that specialize in crop protection and plant nutrition products.
previously worked for a decade on Capitol Hill, as Legislative Director for
Rep. Charles Canady, and earlier, as Agriculture Committee staffer for Rep. Tom
Lewis. He holds a B.A. in political science with a minor in economics from the
University of Florida.
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