Sept. Commodity Credit Corporation lending rates mostly unchanged
The interest rate for commodity and marketing assistance loans disbursed during September 2013 is 1.125 percent, unchanged from 1.125 percent in August 2013.
Interest rates for Farm Storage Facility Loans approved for September 2013 are as follows: 2.000 percent with seven-year loan terms, unchanged from 2.000 percent in August 2013; 2.625 percent with 10-year loan terms, unchanged from 2.625 percent in August 2013 and; 2.875 percent with 12-year loan terms, up from 2.750 percent in August 2013. The interest rate for Sugar Storage Facility Loans for September 2013 is 3.125 percent, up from 3.000 percent in August 2013.
The maximum discount rate applicable for September 2013 for the Tobacco Transition Payment Program is 5 percent, unchanged from August 2013. This is based on the 3.250 percent prime rate plus 2 percent, rounded to the nearest whole number.
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