Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.
california state cap

California State Capitol Building

Activists to rally at capitol for a ban on 'factory farms'

March 9, 2022

A group of environmental activists from the Bay Area is holding a rally at the California Capitol on Wednesday to urge an end to “factory farms.”

The group, Direct Action Everywhere, is sponsoring a measure that would ban new confined animal feeding operations in the state along with any expansions on existing facilities. Several activists from a coalition of animal rights groups will speak on behalf of the measure, Assembly Bill 2764.

According to the group, “factory farming is a threat to our environment, to public health, to vulnerable workers, and to more and more animals every year as this violent industry continues to grow.”

AB 2764 has yet to be assigned to a committee for a hearing.

Family farms comprise 93% of all California farms, according to data released by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service in 2021. Small family farms, those with a gross cash farm income of less than $350,000, account for 79% of all California family farms.

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