Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.

Wheat yield contest winners announced

November 18, 2020

They busted the bins. The National Wheat Foundation has announced awards in its annual yield contest.

“This year the foundation is awarding four Bin Buster winners, one from each of the four categories: Winter Wheat Dryland and Irrigated and Spring Wheat  Dryland and Irrigated,” Foundation Board President David Cleavinger said. Even though COVID-19 “created many setbacks for growers across the country,” Cleavinger said it was “exciting to see that it did not prevent wheat farmers from participating in this year’s contest.”

In fact, the contest received a record-breaking 418 total entries, up from 397 last year.

The Bin Buster winners are: Bruce Ruddenklau, who produced 191.7 bushels per acre of dryland winter wheat in Amity, Ore., using the OSU Rosalyn variety; Derek Friehe, who grew 206.7 bu/a of irrigated winter wheat in Moses Lake, Wash., using Limagrain Jet; Trevor Stout, who grew 139.22 bu/a of dryland spring wheat in Genesee, Idaho, using WestBred WB9303; and Terry Wilcox, whose yield of irrigated spring wheat in Rexburg, Idaho, was 172.6 bu/a, using the WestBred WB9668 variety. A full list of winners, which include the top yields in the “high-yield” categories, is on the NWF website.

Sponsors for the 2020 National Yield Contest are AgriMaxx, Ardent Mills, BASF, Corteva, Croplan/Winfield, Grain Craft, John Deere, Miller Milling, Syngenta, and WestBred.

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