Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.
Port of Vancouver

New study says 40M jobs depend on trade

October 7, 2020

Agriculture has long pushed the benefits of exports to boost its business, but a new study shows the benefits also extend to other aspects of the economy.

According to a new study from Business Roundtable, more than 40 million jobs were dependent on international trade in 2018. That number, according to the roundtable, represented one in five pre-pandemic jobs and two times as many jobs as prior to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

“Free and fair trade supports U.S. manufacturing, farmers and service providers by reaching more customers, strengthening U.S. innovation leadership and creating good-paying American jobs,” Lance Fritz, president and CEO of Union Pacific and chair of the Business Roundtable Trade and International Committee,” said in a statement. “With tens of millions of American jobs at stake, Business Roundtable CEOs will continue to work with policymakers and key trading partners to promote rules-based trade that opens new markets and levels the playing field for American workers, farmers and businesses.”

According to the report, over 647,000 jobs in agriculture, forestry, and fishing were related to trade in 2018.

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