Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.

Taste, price primary factors driving chicken purchases

June 5, 2019

Consumers consider taste and price over environmental impact. According to a new survey from the National Chicken Council, consumers think about taste (82%) and price (65%) more often than the environmental impact of chicken production (34%) and animal welfare concerns (37%) when making purchasing decisions. The survey also concluded “knowledge of the environmental impact of chicken among consumers is low.” NCC said just over half (51%) of the 1,000 respondents aged 18-64 and 500 “Food eVangelists” were “moderately knowledgeable about chicken’s impact on the environment, while three-quarters (71%) are moderately knowledgeable about how chicken is produced.” Consumers were said to be more knowledgeable about animal welfare and processing issues. NCC Spokesperson Tom Super said “benchmarking perceptions and attitudes related to broiler chicken production and its impact on the environment is key to helping the industry better communicate with consumers.”

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