Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research outlines research priorities

February 6, 2019

The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research introduced a new area of research focusing on how food is produced and how it affects human health. Last year, FFAR launched areas focusing on next generation crops, advanced animal systems, urban food systems, soil health, and sustainable water management. The newest area is the health-agriculture nexus. “We study a lot about human nutrition and food production, but we do not make the connection between nutritional outcomes and the food we eat,” FFAR Executive Director Sally Rockey said. “There is a lot of work we can do there in how we can make high-value crops that have the kind of nutritional components needed to have a healthier diet,” she added. FFAR hosted the “Foster Our Future” event, the role of research and innovation will play to help feed an ever-growing population, on Tuesday afternoon in Washington, D.C. FFAR was funded in the 2014 farm bill and reauthorized in the 2018 farm bill.

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