Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.
Mead Bullock CO2NNECT
Wyoming Governors Matt Mead and Steve Bullock

Bipartisan group organized to promote carbon capture

June 21, 2018

A new national effort led for now by two Western governors has been formed to promote carbon capture policy and technology deployment. The bipartisan Governors’ Partnership on Carbon Capture will undertake initiatives and support policies furthering the development and deployment of carbon capture projects and CO2 pipeline infrastructure.

Under the leadership of Wyoming's Republican Governor Matt Mead and Steve Bullock, his Democratic counterpart in Wyoming, the partnership will undertake analyses, make policy recommendations and harness the leadership of other participating governors to further CO2 technologies. Mead formally announced the partnership Wednesday at the CO2NNECT 2018 conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

“There is tremendous promise in the work taking place with CO2,” Mead said. “I am eager to continue to learn and support innovative ideas with my colleagues from around the United States. This meeting brings people who share a vision of what is possible in carbon capture together. We can explore untapped potential and do even more.”

Governors from Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana and Utah have already joined the partnership, which aims to influence Congress and President Trump to place carbon capture on equal footing with other low and zero-emission energy technologies.

The governors also hope to foster carbon capture and CO2 pipeline deployment by identifying state policies and programs that complement the 45Q expansion, which Trump signed into law in February 2018. The legislation allows tax credits for sequestration of carbon oxides and, in so doing, forges public-private partnerships to support carbon reducing projects.

Mead and Bullock are currently reaching out to more governors to join their partnership. The group is also planning to get together at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting in Washington in February 2019.

The partnership will be coordinated and staffed by the State Carbon Capture Work Group, which brings together officials from 15 states to address federal and state-level policies and to advance carbon capture deployment. Initial funding is provided through grants from the MacArthur Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Spitzer Charitable Trust, and Energy Foundation and from private sector contributions.


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