Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Tom Vilsack''

Sen. Dick Durbin

Vilsack, GOP senators tangle over farm workforce bill

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack sparred with Republican senators Wednesday over a House-passed bill that would create a pathway to citizenship for farmworkers, and the squabble showcased the divisions that have prevented Congress from passing immigration reform legislation for decades.
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US peanut farmers struggle to regain EU market

U.S. peanut farmers were enjoying an expanding market in the European Union until government officials there decided to tighten up restrictions in 2019. Now U.S. exports are about a third of what they were and shipments are falling fast as American farmers try to make their case to European regulators and plead for help from the Biden administration to help regain the lucrative market.
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