Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''china''


Indo Pacific strategy faulted in hearing for lack of new market access

The Biden administration’s proposed Indo Pacific Economic Framework, an effort to strengthen economic ties and improve trading conditions with countries like India, the Philippines and Vietnam, got some praise during a Tuesday Senate hearing, but much of the time was spent discussing what it would not accomplish - new market access for U.S. ag.
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US prepares to expand scope of Indo-Pacific Strategy

The Biden administration Tuesday rolled out its 2022 Trade Policy Agenda report to Congress, pledging to further develop its Indo-Pacific Strategy – an effort to strengthen ties with the Asian region – as well as continue to reduce trade barriers across the globe and bring new reform pressure on China.
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World Trade Organization

USTR report: China’s WTO noncompliance hurts US ag

China continues to be a “difficult and unpredictable market for U.S. agricultural exporters” because it flouts international trade standards set by the World Trade Organization, according to a new report to Congress from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
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US ag exports hit record level in 2021

The U.S. exported $177 billion worth of agricultural commodities in 2021, firmly besting the record in 2014 by about 15% and overshadowing 2020 totals by 18%, according to new data released by the Commerce Department.
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